
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Getting Control of Your Money – Christian Devotional for 11/12/09


“Jesus told his disciples: ‘There was a rich man whose manager was accused of wasting his possessions. So he called him in and asked him, What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your management, because you cannot be manager any longer.’”
Luke 16:1-2, NIV

            The following statement appeared in the January 2002 issue of the Southwest Airline Spirit Magazine. “Twenty-eight percent of Americans say their biggest personal fear is going broke.” Humanist Henry Youngman said, “I had plastic surgery last week. I cut up my credit cards.”
            Finances are quickly becoming one of the major problems of the American home. As a young pastor in my mid-twenties, I remember couples coming to me for counseling. Seldom was there a mention of trouble with finances. Now, I am a pastor in my mid-fifties and it is interesting that so many American families are struggling with finances.
            Money is neither good nor bad. It is what we do with our money that gives it purpose. As families struggle to get control of their money, it is important to realize that everything we have absolutely belongs to God.
            In the study of Luke 16, a steward is to give an account of his money. Money is important. Having wealth is not wrong. When wealth becomes our god, that is wrong.
Theologian John Haughey wrote, “It is absolutely false to ever use the words ‘my wealth.’ It is a radical fallacy to consider wealth as mine. If there is anything worth leaving, it is the statement: ‘My’ must never again be attached to the noun ‘wealth.’ Rather, it is my responsibility about the Master’s wealth.”
            Living within our means is a discipline that provides a sense of security. When we can understand our money is given to us for a time and we are stewards of the funds, which really belong to God, it is amazing how contented we can be. Remember, God has sovereign rights to all that we possess. It all belongs to Him!
QUESTION: Do you pray about what you should do with the money God gives to you? Do you sense an accountability to God about how you use your money?

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