
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Inspiration – 3/3/11

imageWhy We Need a Savior by Max Lucado

“The law of the Spirit that brings life made me free from the law that brings sin and death.”  Romans 8:3

The cross did what sacrificed lambs could not do. It erased our sins, not for a year, but for eternity. The cross did what man could not do. It granted us the right to talk with, love, and even live with God.

You can’t do that by yourself. I don’t care how many worship services you attend or good deeds you do, your goodness is insufficient . . . That’s why we need a savior.

“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.”
Colossians 1:15

“I believe in the sun even when it isn’t shining.  I believe in love even when I am alone.  I believe in God even when He is silent.” Jewish refugee, World War II, Poland

"To be assured of our salvation is no arrogant stoutness. It is faith. It is devotion. It is not presumption. It is God's promise." ~ St. Augustine


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