
Monday, August 29, 2011

Divided We Fall, United We Stand ..

By John Sykes

All good people can understand these 2 scriptures:

Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall. Luke 11:17b (NIV)


Love your neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:31 (NIV)

Our future lies in the first quote unless we apply the second quote.

Some of our politicians want to divide and conquer us. The politics of secular humanism, avowing reverse-racism, sexism, redistributive class warfare and group-think, will surely fail us.

The politics of disunity will curse us.

Larry Miller at

In Federalist Number 2, John Jay makes the point that this country came together as one to defeat the most awesome power in the world to win its independence. He, like other founders, believed that divine providence brought together this unique group of people with a common world view and a common love for liberty. His point point was that most people at the time had a common set of values and this allowed them to pull together in a common direction. This also led them to see everyone as their neighbor… and they looked out for their neighbors.

Again, quoting Mr. Miller:

… the progressive fantasy world … is a cancer that lives on the principle of identity politics, keeping people thinking of themselves as part of a group rather than an individual created by a loving God. The only legitimate group we should aspire to is the group called “American”.

Only the politics of unity, loving our neighbors in and until the end, will bless us.

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