
Friday, August 26, 2011

Progressive Google embraces religious discrimination as they further marginalize Christians! Contact them below ..

By John Sykes,

I for one have become very “googlized”. I use most of their apps so that I can use them from anywhere. Now I am beginning to wonder about my choices as my awareness grows that Google is expanding their anti-religion bent.

It’s one thing to be progressive
but another to be discriminatory!


Newsbusters in Google Won't Give Churches Same Break It Gives Other Non-Profits reports:

The company whose unofficial motto is "Don't Be Evil," apparently has a new commandment: Thou shalt not give discounts to churches.

Tech giant Google has an entire suite of software, Google Apps,that it offers for businesses and non-profits. It used to be that Google offered the software, including GMail, for free or at a discount for non-profits, including churches.

But back in March, the company changed the policy such that the non-profit discount would not apply to  "any organization that considers religion or sexual orientation in hiring decisions" or that proselytizes…

Reject bogus “PC” defenses! There is nothing in any of our foundation’s documents that says to exclude religion from state. If that were the case, we would also have to exclude the progressive’s secular humanism which our Supreme Court has in the past also classified as a religion.

What the progressive Google would have us believe is “political correctness” is in fact religious discrimination.

Use this form to let Google know what you think about their discriminatory policy …

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