
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Is Collectivism Moral?

[If you truly want to know where President Obama get’s his collectivist theology, be sure to read this! The answer is not in this image. – JS]



British author Graham Greene so aptly wrote in his novel "The Power and the Glory," "There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in." Rather than one moment, for me, it was a collection of moments growing up in a home in which my folks did not divvy out weekly allowances unless they were earned, and encouraged us to attend college but did not pay the bill. Never letting us perceive our situation as unfair, Dad taught us the value of hard work by the example he set working overtime in order to make ends meet.

Recently, after reading a few articles in Sojourners magazine, written by President Obama's spiritual advisor, Jim Wallis, I was reminded how far away from these basic values we've strayed as a nation. An October 20, 2011 article, "The Un-Economy," which can be read online at, depicts the economy as "unfair, unsustainable, and unstable," and made the spiritual case for resolution through collectivism. "If you search the scriptures," Wallis wrote, "you'll find that God not only cares about poverty, but especially, unfairness and equality."

Of course, God cares about poverty. Taken at face value, Wallis' statements are harmless enough to those who have no knowledge of his background. Like Jeremiah Wright, Wallis has been preaching the "gospel" of collectivism for more than 30 years, convincing many that it is morally acceptable to deploy American tax dollars to alleviate suffering the world over. And now, Wallis' has both a bully pulpit and the ear of our president to further his anti-capitalism cause.

Be sure to read the rest here …

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