
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Starbucks Doesn't Know Beans about Marriage - The Measures of a Man

Washington Updates From

Coffee isn't the only thing brewing at Starbucks. So is controversy--as customers learn about the company's bold blend of liberal politics. This week, the coffeehouse jumped into a fierce battle over marriage in Washington State, home to the Seattle-based company. While the state is still sharply divided over same-sex "marriage," Starbucks has decided to sweeten the pot for homosexual activists and join the attack on local families. According to Starbucks Executive Vice President Kalen Holmes, the bill to legalize counterfeit marriage "is core to who we are and what we value as a company." A preview of the endorsement came last November, when Starbucks signed on to a legal brief that argues traditional marriage is "bad for business." For customers, who were already having a hard time swallowing the company'spartnership with Planned Parenthood, this may be the final straw.

Despite the coffeehouse's meddling, families in Washington State are doing their best to keep the legislation at bay. Local groups say the bill has enough support to pass, but as we witnessed in Maryland last year, the outcome could hinge on a single vote. Don't let Starbucks do all the talking. Speak up and contact your leaders.

Meanwhile, the President, who claims his position on marriage is still evolving, made it clear which side of the marriage movement he's on by blasting New Hampshire leaders for exercising their right to repeal gay unions. Asked by a reporter what the President thinks of the push to overturn the same-sex "marriage" law, White House spokesman Jay Carney said Obama "believes strongly in stopping laws designed to take rights away." Interesting, since that implies the President thinks same-sex "marriage" is a right to begin with. In the past, President Obama has said the definition of marriage should be left to the states. Now he's opposing a bill that does what he claims to support! Regardless, the state's Judiciary Committee has already voted to wipe the law off the books and send the measure to the floor. "It's very significant," said state Rep. David Bates. "This will be the first place ever, anywhere in the world, where a legislature has reversed its position on same-sex 'marriage.'" Although Gov. John Lynch (D) promises to veto the repeal, conservatives are still confident that they have the votes to override him.

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