
Saturday, June 25, 2011

What Are We Fighting?

By Larry Miller

imageSo… we all know things are falling apart all around us. Many of us find it easy to blame Barack Hussein Obama, Cass Sunstein, Mark Lloyd, Van Jones and the rest of the unholy alliance trying to run our lives. Of course this black hearted gang would be more than happy to place the blame on George Bush. This excuse, in addition to just being tiresome, is simply not true.

We are a country that has been blessed in an unprecedented manner over the years. From the miraculous protection of the retreating colonials at Brooklyn Heights, to the economic prosperity that brought the United States to a position of world leadership, to surviving two worldwide conflicts with our continental home unscarred by the wars’ destruction, we have seen the divine guidance and protection that far exceeded any honest persons concept of coincidence.

All this time, there was a Christian consensus. We, as a people, were honoring our Creator and He was watching over us. We sing “God Bless America” and hope He will continue to keep his protective and guiding hand on our country. However we now find many in our country, our government and our academic institutions that believe they have a better idea.

They tell us that the values that made our country great are no longer workable in the modern environment. They tell us that our lack of acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle is nothing but prejudice… that the statistics showing the activity to be detrimental to both the individual and society fail to show the practice is not valid. However, at the core, the argument is that the practicioners and their fellow travelers believe they know more than the Creator of the universe.

We are also told that the unborn children we are fighting to save are not as important as the comfort and well being of a mother who chooses not to live with the consequences of their decisions. While we can do more to help women in this situation, we can find ourselves forced to accept this unwarranted destruction of life.

In a further, perhaps most blatant, rejection of the Judeo-Christian America, the regime in Washington has made the conscious decision to reject our long standing friendship with Israel by taking the side of a radical Islam that is working to destroy, first, Israel, then western civilization.

Please read the rest …

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