
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Every Issue is a Moral Issue


image…these so-called "social issues" mean more to "middle America" than [CNN’s] Cafferty realizes. We call them "moral issues." …


The national debt, national security, taxation, the welfare state, border security—there's not a single issue that doesn't have a moral component. The government has a moral obligation to live within its means, to protect its citizens, to encourage industriousness and discourage indolence, and to secure our borders against terrorists and drug cartels.

When voters consider a candidate for public office, they should not just ask, "Can this person manage the economy?" They need to know, "Does this person have the values and character to hold public office?"

The 2012 election is not just about jobs. It's about the moral choices America must make. If we hold our elected leaders to a high moral standard, there will be prosperity and plenty of jobs to go around. Leaders with a strong moral compass for the sanctity of life and the sanctity of marriage will generally make sound moral decisions on every other issue affecting our lives….

In October 1789, John Adams, America's first vice president, gave a speech to the Massachusetts militia. "Our Constitution," he said, "was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." I pray that these wise words would become a motto for our nation—but I fear that they may become our epitaph.

Read it all …

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