
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is Fox “down the rabbit hole”? Or is it blondness?

By John Sykes

Even the supposed conservatives from the Fox side of the pen sometimes get so far down the rabbit hole that they will keep us from ever seeing the light!

In Fox Analyst Margaret Hoover Wants GOP to Drop Pro-Life Stance:

Fox News analyst Margaret Hoover appeared on the O’Reilly Factor and encouraged the Republican Party to drop its long-standing pro-life views for fear of losing potential connections with the next generation of voters. However, Hoover ignores polling data showing millenials hold the strongest pro-life views.

“We’re going to save the Republican Party by connecting to the next generation,” Hoover told host Bill O’Reilly. “The next generation is 30 and under. They voted two to one for Barack Obama and their partisan identification solidifies after three presidential election cycles. They voted for John Kerry. They voted for Barack Obama. If we don’t make inroads in the next 16 months, we’re going to lose the next generation.”

She must have forgotten to do even a modicum of research to come to her conclusions:

59 percent of people aged 18-34 say all or almost all abortions should become illegal. In fact, younger Americans are most supportive of making all abortions illegal, with 24 percent of 18-34 year-olds saying so and 35 percent saying they want abortions legal only in a few circumstances.

I guess even blondes get it wrong some of the time. But a talking head without research isn’t talking. She’s blithering. And she, even more than the pitiful taking heads of the left, is pulling us further and further down that rabbit hole …

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